
Pay As You Go Payment Type

Pay one session at a time

  • This covers you for the session you have booked.

SILVER all Inclusive Therapy Package

12 session package

  • This package is inclusive of all BBTC services.
  • + one complimentary parent coaching follow up 6 months post parenting service.

GOLD all Inclusive Therapy Package

30 Session Package

  • This package is inclusive of all BBTC services.
  • + one complimentary parent coaching follow up 3 months post parenting service.
  • + one complimentary therapy follow up 3 months post therapy service.
Home Services

Home Observations

Our practitioners can visit you at home to carry out an observation of your child. The observation will last 2 hours, and it will give our practitioner an opportunity to see how your child manages at home, how they interact with parents and siblings, how the family dynamics are and how the behave in their own environment. Following the observation you will get a report with a summary of the observation as well as recommendations of things that can be implemented at home to support your child.

  • 2 hours
  • observing home routine
  • Observing family relationship
  • Talking to parents
  • Basic intervention trial
  • Observation report post observation

200 +

Observations Completed

Our observations last 2 hours.

Observation 100%
Home Intervention Recommendations 100%
Detailed report 100%
Tips & Info

Why book a home observation?

Observing a child’s behavior can: Help understand the reasons behind challenging behavior Identify special needs Provide a deeper understanding of the child Document skills Reveal the child’s communication style Show how the child interacts with family Observation focuses on the process, such as how the child reached a point rather than just the end product. The observation process is straightforward: observe and reflect, document and gather evidence, plan and act, and finally, assess.

What is an observation in early child development?

Observation is the process of tracking children’s behavior over a period of time. Through meaningful and detailed documentation, educators are able to see patterns and plan age-appropriate activities, gain insight into how a child thinks about the world, and provide opportunities to change the learning environment to promote growth and development.

Who needs to be present?

It is best for the home environment to be as close to normal as possible so we can get an accurate picutre of the child’s behaviour within their usual environment. If the child has siblings, it is ideal that they are there. It is also beneficial if both parents can be there too. We try to get the closest picture to the child’s usual home environment as possible. Of course we understand that our presence isn’t usual, and that the child may behaviour in a different way than they usually would. We also understand that children are different every day and that the behavioural observation we get is based on this specific visit. This is why we preform recurrent home observations after an agreed period of time.

Why do we observe child's development?

When a professional sits back and observes a child within their care, they can then better understand the children’s strengths or weaknesses.

Will the observation help my child?

Through observations, educators’ programming can help make improvements to the environment and facilitate learning.

Building Blocks Therapy Centre

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Opening Hours

  • Weekdays 9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday Please enquire
  • Sunday Closed
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