
Pay As You Go Payment Type

Pay one session at a time

  • This covers you for the session you have booked.

SILVER all Inclusive Therapy Package

12 session package

  • This package is inclusive of all BBTC services.
  • + one complimentary parent coaching follow up 6 months post parenting service.

GOLD all Inclusive Therapy Package

30 Session Package

  • This package is inclusive of all BBTC services.
  • + one complimentary parent coaching follow up 3 months post parenting service.
  • + one complimentary therapy follow up 3 months post therapy service.
Therapy Services

Sibling Support

Siblings of children with learning challenges or neurodiversities may sometimes feel overlooked due to more attention understandably going to the affected child, and may also find it difficult to bond with or understand their sibling. We offer specialised support specifially aimed at siblings to give them a safe and judgment free space to talk about their concerns and feelings, and also work with them and their sibling together to support their relationship.

  • Self worth
  • Self esteem
  • Self love
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Identity

200 +

Sibling support

All children deserve to be heard.

Self Esteem 100%
Teamwork 100%
Identity 100%
Tips & Info

Why Sibling Support?

Increased empathy and understanding. More positive coping strategies within and outside the family. Increased levels of family cohesion. Increased knowledge about health and disability.

Can my child be negatively impacted if they have a sibling with a specific need?

Some siblings may experience Anxiety and guilt (they may feel they have caused their sibling to be unwell or that they too will get unwell) Anger or resentment over the amount of time their parent spends with their high needs sibling, or embarrassment over their siblings’ behaviour. Feelings of grief and loss over how life was before the arrival of their sibling. Breakdown in family communication and bonding.

How can I help my first / second child feel loved?

Celebrate sibling differences and avoid comparing siblings. This will promote self-esteem and prevent wedges from being formed between siblings.

How important are sibling relationships?

The power of sibling relationships can be life-changing in a positive way, and a little bit of maintenance can go a long way in ensuring that these relationships stay healthy in the long run.

Building Blocks Therapy Centre

Quick Links

Opening Hours

  • Weekdays 9:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday Please enquire
  • Sunday Closed
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